Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: From Investor Village@9:17

chances are that if JT found anything wrong with the MMP he would have found it a long time ago (he might not be able to speak, but he is not stupid) - there is nothing wrong with the patents if you ask me.  I dont think he left under distress either ... I think PTSC bought his contract because the company that bought us already has all of the egotistical poor speakers they need.  also I think The reason why this is not official is that the new company is putting the final touches on the contract and one of those t's or dots for the i's is JT ... we may see bigger things over the next 2 weeks.


that is not to say this will be great for investors ... we could actually see PTSC RS the stock before announcing the sale.  this worries me a little. but if  PTSC values  their  stockholders  at all  they  will  RS  right  before the numbers come out (I think the # will be good good good too) and hopefully that will counteract the post RS slide.  All of this is just a hunch of mine remember ... IMO


onward and u .... hummm, be interesting to see what our new battle cry is going to be ... oh ya ... GLTA 

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