Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: I was wondering what the angle would be to try and create fear I can see..

well it was last year (late FEB early MAR ... 2007) when they were trading lower than a $1 and they were OB .. i know this because i decided to buy PTSC instead ......... ooooooooooooops!!!!!!


2+ months later they announced that they were going to the AMERICAN under GBT .... they climbed from $0.80 up to $6+ (during that time) ... they slipped to $4+ recently and now trade in NAS at $4+.


I am being told by BLUNIST that this cannot be because it is illegal ... i want to know how they did it then. THEY DID NOT SPLIT IN 2007 (at least i do not recall that).

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