Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Think about it!

Nothing is 100% when you go to trial no matter how well your case looks...that's just it...a judge is there to judge and he/she could easily see it the other way. I'm sure both TPL and the J3 factored this risk into their equation when they settled.

Too much to loose for both parties if they took it all the way to trial even though that would not have bothered me one bit. A J3 loss would have cost them hundreds of millions and a TPL loss would have cost them the MMP. Would TPL or PTSC really want to risk loosing the MMP at the hands of a judge? Im sure that TPL is aware that the MMP is a cash cow and licensing under the radar has allowed them to collect over $200M in fees to date. Why risk it...too many companies yet to collect from.

So for those that say why would the J3 settle ....ask yourselves why would TPL settle? ...because it was in the best interests of both parties not to go to trial. We will see who thought they had the better hand tomorrow.

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