Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: New license
"So, according to Goerner's letter, Patriot's cash was invested in
student loans by somebody they hired at Deutsche Bank. In other
words, our supposedly top-flight CFO didn't know how to properly
invest millions of dollars, so the money was given to some dweeb at
an investment house. Because, so the logic goes, the interest rate
Patriot anticipated getting was worth tying up nearly all of our
liquid assets that were and are needed for our own viability and for
an acquisition. Oh wait -- it ISN'T worth that anymore -- we're now
going to put all our millions in a checking, oh excuse me, a money
market account. Because we done learned our lesson -- me, the mighty
CFO, and Gloria, our mighty CPA BOD member -- that student loans BAD,
money market GOOD. We be finance majors. Yes we be.

Now it all makes sense, Mr. Goerner. Thank you."
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