Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: PDSG

Re: Military book.. BRIAN T&O's

posted on Jul 27, 2009 07:07PM

You're weak of character, weak of intellect and weak of sincerity. You're simply afraid of loosing more of your investment here, and you'd rather pretend the Emperior has fine silk garmets on that to recognise the problem and work to demand more experienced and effective Leadership.

Dude, You are the one guy most responsible for me jumping in with both feet when you thought Qualcom was going to purchase us. Before the MMP but we thought the Ignite chip and it's blazing speed was going to open doors for us. You were so well thought of thru this board, you were chosen as shareholder rep. YOU have been our guru and leader. The old BB would never have written such a sladerous attack on one of our own. A fudster perhaps but not one with the credentials of Miltary man. It's as if you are on steroids or something. You and Ron were cornerstones to this family of knotheads. Now we drift aimlessly with an overpaid BOD, was it a scam?, or is RG really working towards making us a real company. You have to give Swartz credit. He made a killing. Give credit to Pohl, Turley, Johnstone, Felcyn as they have done well also. Us retail investors are not in a position of strength. Further weakened by this name calling, finger pointing, in fighting. How in the world are we going to band together and get some improvements. As this continues, I bet we see big sell offs on every spike and those longs who have grown tired of the games will leave for greener pastures.

Just my T and O

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