Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Don't put the cart before the horse!

You best make it a German automaker ours are broke or owned by the GOV. I don't see the GOV. paying out 100mill for patent infringement. You can't sue the GOV. JMHO

As far as getting this stock to 5 bucks. I believe that is a pipe dream. Maybe in 1999 not 2009. Man if we can get any where near 2 bucks I will be jumping for joy and unload this stock in a heart beat along with 99.9% of all the longs that have held this stock through its darkest hours. I Believe we will make a nice run if THE COMPANY GETS IT PR'S RIGHT. JMHO.


Maybe a pipe dream, but when you are in on the groundfloor of a new application, new technology? with Crossflow, you have the opportunity to strike it rich. RG has tried to direct our attention towards the M&A activity helping us believe that the MMP is gravy. IF the 336 comes out as strong or stronger, that is going to be some mighty fine gravy. I might of agreed with you a few months ago that many of us longs are going to bail out if we can get above a buck or even to two bucks, but when you get overwhelmed at the potential we have in our hands, if RG and his guys can put together a winning combination ...... well gee whiz, we could be soiling our shorts out of sheer giddyness.

Hate to come this close and get all the leverage removed by a R/S. It just kills the potential.

I still think this is a 5-10 buck stock in my lifetime, if I live long enough. If RG is allowed to orchestrate the deals he wants. IF IF IF IF IF IF

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