Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Mr. Goerner

Mr. Goerner

posted on Sep 20, 2009 10:25AM

Mr. Goerner and company, please consider the following when announcing the purchase of a new MMP license.

Historically, the company policy when PR'ing a new licensee does not include the actual dollar amount of the license. The reason for not doing so is understandable as to give TPL/PTSC a greater advantage when negotiating with other infringing companies. However this method is detrimental to shareholders, hence, the lack of transparency. Also, new investors that may be interested in the company have no basis with which to invest when there is no way to calculate future earnings other than waiting on quarterly/annual reports. By then, their interests diminishes.

Please consider discontinuing announcing single licenses in a PR. But rather, accumulate several companies that have purchased a license before announcing it. Announce multiple licensees simultaneously in one press release AND, INCLUDE THE TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT OF ALL THE LICENSES SOLD. (5 companies licensed for $50MM).

This method will serve both the company and shareholders. The company still protects it's ability to negotiate with other potential infringers because the PR will not state which company paid what amount. Net effect, same as the quarterly reports.

This method will give the current shareholders and new investors a much needed dose of TRANSPARENCY when calculating earnings and future potential growth. The share price will response accordingly as it should when news of licensees and dollar amounts have been announced together. New investors will not have to wait until the quarterly reports to review earnings.

Best Regards,

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