Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: 7 Core Values of Eclat (the firm finding our next CEO)

7 Core Values of Eclat (the firm finding our next CEO)

posted on Oct 12, 2009 11:16AM

Core Values

We have seven core values that are the bedrock of our company culture and guide our day-to-day behavior.

Éclat Core Values

Invent the Future

Create a breakthrough vision of the future.
Execute with purpose and diligence to secure results.

Be Bold

Confront the most brutal facts of the current reality, whatever they may be, and maintain an unwavering faith in the end game.

External Obsession

Serve others. Be externally focused.

Best or Nothing

Strive to be # 1 in everything we do.

Team for Speed

Together everyone achieves more. Be collaborative and synergistic to achieve results that have strategic purpose.

A Culture of Discipline

Be disciplined as a group of leaders who lead by example in displaying an extreme diligence in our thoughts and a stunning intensity in our actions.

Absolute Integrity

Our word is our bond. Act with honesty. Respect each other and honor all commitments.

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