Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: RE: PTSC and TPL will recieve

RE: PTSC and TPL will recieve

posted on Jun 07, 2005 08:48AM
Going forward with joint patent ownership should lessen, greatly, future lawsuits and keep to a minimum 30-40% to Townsend. Normal lawyer fees for doing contract...yes.

Past work for PTSC was done by Beatie and Osborn and hopefully they will never see dime one. Hope we will hear the % split with PTSC and TPL. I would think tho that with AMD and INTC signed others will now being stepping forward to sign...figuring that if the big boys can`t win the fight...(336) how could they. We need details to come to light, I think it`s that simple, to get a current valuation on this stock. What is the amount of these ``certain payments`` 2 Mil, 5Mil? From who? Those who thought AMD or INTC were going to buy us out in some blockbuster sale are running for the door. Joe

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