Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: Oh No, Mr. Bill another one of my posts has been expunged!

Again! NOTHING is going to be announced at the shareholder's meeting that isn't public knowledge BEFORE the meeting!!!!!!!!!!! Please everyone get this!!!!

There won't be any announcement of multiple license signings because it's illegal to group the signings to manipulate the stock price. This was done once prior to the official announcement of Goener's firing so that Goner could recoupe his PTSC stock purchases at .38. The pps hit .42 that day, he sold, was out and all worked as planned and agreed upon in his termination package.

There also, won't be an announcement of a new CEO. Who would want the job? Their fate would be exactly the same as the previous ones because the ones in charge are the same people with the same agendas.

Here's the flash! The only thing that is going to cause the pps of PTSC to go "Up and to the Right" is the uncertainty of the re-exams is removed and the licenses start pouring in with high dollar settlements. THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!NOTHING ELSE WILL DO IT!!!!!


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