Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: 3 sides of the coin
Jan 24, 2010 12:58PM

How much of our money does Swartz have? I am OK with it as long as he sold his shares with the same information we had. That's the big question for me knowing Swartz had ties with Pohl and C.J. both at the helm at PTSC and both with connections to Swartz. How much if any insider information was leaked to Swartz? How does his stock sales stack up against news events? Who on the inside would come forward with information that could solidify a case against these guys? My guess is that Eric Swartz is not hurting financially. How much influence did Swartz have on Pohl to issue dividends that sent a lot of money in Swartz direction and what or how is Pohl being compensated for those decisions now sitting on the BOD of one of Swartz's companies? Its odd that Pohl would retire from PTSC and not remain as a BOD member at PTSC because he was a CEO there but instead he has chose to sit on the board for Swartz? Is this the way Pohl is getting paid for decisions he made that favored Swartz rather than use that money to act on the umbrella aquisition plan to build PTSC. It just dosn't make sence that a start up company would throw that much cash into dividends rather than for building the company at that stage.


Jan 24, 2010 03:20PM
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