Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: The Master Agreement

"...and Moore is claiming he was never employed by TPL!"

Is that right? Did I miss something? Even now, there's still an Intellasys link on the TPL website. I doubt that Moore did his work for nothing so I regard that claim with a jaundiced eye, if he indeed made it. I suppose, if Moore submitted regular invoices for work done, he could argue that he was an independent consultant, but it's a stretch. And it's my understanding that any work done by an employee is the property of the company he's employed by, including intellectual property, although I'm not certain of that in this context; maybe a contract was drawn up dealing with such issues. Interesting direction this thread is taking: is there a link which supports Moore's alleged claim?

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