Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: All we need is for some well meaning shareholder to p___ off someone at the PTO

I agree that we should not be calling or contacting the USPTO. It would be harrassment and might possibly damage the case. The fact that Lori contacted them was fine but not for the rest of us to be constantly harrassing them.

Contacting your Congressman or Senator is again your right and something that I feel we must do. This continuous harrassment, almost to the point of abuse, needs to stop. We have been screwed by the system of patent revalidation that the big guys with their significant war financial chests can manipulate the system for their advantage. We need these patents validated now, once and for all. We as investors can perform this job. It will also help you see how these representatives work for us. They and the government have staffs assigned to work on problems like this. They aren't going to jump up and immediately solve this isssue but constant confrontation may get them to move.

This is something that each and every one of us, especially the more knowledgeable investors among us can bring about important change that will affect your pocketbook.

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