Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Paint Drying

Just you believe that some long time posters here are in an effort to discuss and if possibly cause a change in the BOD because they represent infringers trying to accumulate cheap shares of stock?.......I scratch my head because SGE said he was involved with Stan Caplan in this endeavour........But yet other long time posters here who support the present BOD for some odd reason want things to remain as the status quo.......These are the people who I believe want the price to remain low while they churn in and out of the stock having to risk pennies.......What's even more ironic is the lack of the shareholders ability to change the BOD structure compared to the ability of the BOD to be able to force change on TPL....... all IMO.......

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