Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Milestone

"He surely provides balance."

I'm not so sure that's a fair statement. Essentially, milestone posts seem intended to generate a response that will focus on the negatives about the company. Despite what are OBVIOUS failures by the company, he posts the standard rules and regs by which the company minimally complies, and exalts them as though this justifies all of the failure.

It's seemed clear to me for a long time that his intention is to be provocative by opining about how all the issues that frustrate the shareholders, and that clearly have been largely the fault of the BOD and Management, are somehow beyond their control and excuseable.

It's difficult to recall any positive comments or suggestions that milestone has made about how to IMPROVE PTSC through his long history of posting. Essentially, he provokes by encouraging the status quo that has obviously failed repeatedly. He seems intent on needling those who realize changes should be made, by highlighting how this BOD and the company hide behind the regulations that allow them to operate in this manner with impunity.

I dont' call that balance. I just think it's disingenous. And intended to create IMbalance. I think it's intended to solicit the posts that highlight the negatives about the company.

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