Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Challenge-Stan

"and we take up a collection for advice and/or legal counsel, we all can then sue our way out of this predicament in order to 'get what's a coming to us"?

No, we take up a collection for advice on how to gain more control of "our" company so that we can quickly rid it of the incompetents. These incompetents are quickly running the company into the ground and simultaneously rewarding themselves with our money.

They've lost over $20 million dollars in bad investments and drove the SP down to a dime and continue to handsomely reward themselves - and you think this is all OK!!!???? You want to sit back and watch it keep happening!? I guarantee you that it will keep happening unless we do something about it!


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