Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Just some FACTS & opinions. Sorry SGE, if gloves don't fit, it ain't WOLF

Lambert,you requested that we agree to disagree.The pivotal point in this thread is "how did the date (4)disappear?There has been no substantial answer to that question.Lets put Wolf's reason for doing this aside and agree that it happened.If Wolf was embarrased that he was late with the post,then so be it.We haven't even heard that.You must admit it was omitted.I have no clue why.Lets put the conspiracy to bed and put it out there.I'm really bewildered that it is being defended with such passion without any reasonable explanation.


This IMO is what happened.. I do not know for sure.. I have not discussed this with Wolf.. The man giving us the Pacers actually missed one.. albeit a quite important one.. and then the perfect storm with Mark's posts.. IMO Wolf was extrememly embarrassed he missed this and altered the date (maybe somehow by accident?).. again, this is my opinion only.. I do not think there was any attempted manipulation or planned conspiracy.. but Wolf sure got unloaded on.. and then had his Violation management scooped on top.. My guess is his embaressment was quickly replaced by anger when he was forced to explain these coincidental occurances.. and Wolf's pride would not allow him to tell us...

I wish he would... as would the vast majority of this forum I'd guess

Wolf.. if this is the case.. hey, we all make mistakes..

Please forgive me for posting my opinion..

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