Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Fut or anyone...Would revenue reporting have delays because

Fut or anyone...Would revenue reporting have delays because

posted on Aug 12, 2005 10:08AM
of the time factors allowed in articles 4.1 and 3.1?

Revenue straight to Newco but looks like 60 days plus 30 to get expenses resolved. Joe



3.1 Within sixty (60) days after the close of each calendar quarter TPL shall deliver to P-Newco: (i) an operating statement reflecting the Project`s financial activity over the past quarter; (ii) a calculation of the Gross Cash Proceeds (as defined in the Operating Agreement) resulting from the Project; and (iii) an itemization of all TPL Direct Reimbursable Expenses (as defined below).

(a) Within thirty (30) days after P-Newco`s receipt thereof, Patriot shall deliver to TPL written notice detailing all objections to such materials and calculations on an individual item-by-item basis. Any objection not so noticed shall be deemed to be waived.

(b) Costs related to verifying reported time and expense charges and/or auditing reports or activities shall be paid in advance by the entity (either Patriot or TPL) supporting such request for verification or audit.

3.2 As requested by TPL, Patriot and P-Newco shall have a continuing obligation to exert their respective reasonable best efforts to support the Project, cooperate with TPL in the execution of its obligations, and to provide such support in the manner described herein and in the Master Agreement.

3.3 Upon reasonable request, P-Newco and Patriot shall promptly execute and deliver all documents, instruments, and things necessary or useful in the conduct of TPL`s activities hereunder, and Patriot and P-Newco agree to cooperate in any litigation with respect to the MSD Patents, including providing any reasonable assistance in connection with such litigation or joining as a party thereto, as requested by TPL, provided that neither Patriot nor P-Newco shall be required to provide financial support except as otherwise provided in the Commercialization Agreement.

3.4 Patriot and P-Newco shall each avoid and refrain from any and all activity of any kind or nature which may impede, impair, frustrate or otherwise interfere with the activities of TPL in the execution the Project, and shall:

(a) Exert their respective reasonable best efforts to impose the covenants of this Commercialization Agreement, the Master Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby on their respective directors, officers, employees, consultants, attorneys, agents and other affiliates or Representatives; and

(b) Be responsible hereunder for each and every failure in the good and faithful performance of this Commercialization Agreement and transaction by themselves and/or their respective directors, officers, employees, consultants, attorneys, agents and other affiliates or Representatives (other than TPL).



3.5 With the exception of the agreements and transactions entered into pursuant to the Project, P-Newco, Patriot and TPL shall not transfer, assign, license, or otherwise convey any interest in, or grant any security interest with respect to, any portion of their interest in the MSD Patents during the term of this Commercialization Agreement without the written consent of all parties hereto, other than to entities which are owned and controlled by the transferring Person and who assume and agree to pay and perform all of the transferor`s obligations hereunder.

3.6 Upon the termination of this Commercialization Agreement, Patriot shall be entitled to receive a copy of third party ``DeCaps`` (as such term is commonly understood to mean in the industry) related to the Commercialization and third party expert analyses thereof; and TPL does hereby consent to the deliveries thereof by such third party experts. In the event any of the foregoing are not provided by such third parties, TPL will provide Patriot with copies of such documents in its possession. In addition, a Patriot Representative shall be entitled to view such ``DeCaps`` on a quarterly basis, but shall not be entitled to make copies thereof. With the exception of TPL`s obligations pursuant to Section 3.1 and this Section 3.6, TPL shall not be obligated to share any other materials related to the Commercialization, including without limitation any attorney work product generated during the term of this Commercialization Agreement or thereafter, which for all intents and purposes shall be deemed to be privileged, proprietary and exclusive to TPL.

3.7. P-Newco and Patriot shall on a continuing basis provide TPL all leads, information, and materials which Patriot encounters or discovers which may relate to the rights to the MSD Patents transferred by Patriot and TPL to P-Newco pursuant to the Newco Licenses, shall exert their respective reasonable best efforts to support the Commercialization activities of TPL hereunder, and shall refrain from all contact with third parties regarding the MSD Patents except as is specifically approved and/or requested in writing by TPL. The foregoing shall not affect the exercise of the retained rights of Patriot or TPL under the Newco Licenses.



4.1 TPL shall cause all Gross Cash Proceeds generated from the Commercialization efforts to be paid directly to P-Newco.

4.2 Upon the submission of customary and appropriate invoices and other supporting documentation, P-Newco shall reimburse TPL for the payment of all legal and third-party expert fees and other related third-party costs and expenses, including without limitation those incurred in connection with patent maintenance and prosecution and third party ``DeCaps`` and third party expert analysis relating thereto (the ``TPL Direct Reimbursable Expenses``) incurred by TPL in connection with the Project and in conformity with the applicable Business Plan, as well as all TPL Direct Reimbursable Expenses not in conformity with the applicable Business Plan, to the extent approved by the P-Newco Management Committee. All such reimbursement shall be made prior to the due date indicated on the invoice.

4.3 P-Newco shall make payment to TPL of $ *** no later than three

(3) days prior to the start of each fiscal quarter from the Working Capital Fund to cover indirect and other expenses related to the Project which do not constitute TPL Direct Reimbursable Expenses (``TPL Other Project Expenses``). Advances to TPL made pursuant to this Section 4.3 shall be nonaccountable and nonrecoupable, but shall offset the amounts owed TPL pursuant to Section 6.1(a)(iv)(b) of the Operating Agreement in the manner contemplated by such

Section 6.1(a)(iv)(b). At such time as the Working Capital Fund exceeds $ *** after the first $ *** has been generated pursuant to the Commercialization, such quarterly payment shall be increased (but not decreased) to one-eighth of the amount of the Working Capital Fund.



4.4 To the extent that P-Newco does not have sufficient funds from the Working Capital Fund at the time any payment is due pursuant to this Article IV, TPL shall refrain from enforcing any collection rights against P-Newco for such payments until the earlier of (a) such time as funds become available in the Working Capital Fund, or (b) termination of this Commercialization Agreement.

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