Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Patent Reform 2011: Compromise Bill Coming to the Senate in September

Patent Reform 2011: Compromise Bill Coming to the Senate in September

In the immediate wake of the debt crisis “solution.” President Obama talked about the nexts steps for Congress. High on his agenda: Patent Reform:

Through patent reform, we can cut the red tape that stops too many inventors and entrepreneurs from quickly turning new ideas into thriving businesses -- which holds our whole economy back.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid then announced that the patent reform bill will be the first item taken up for consideration when the Senate returns from recess.

Parallel patent reform Bills have already passed the House and the Senate. The Bills have a number of differences that will need to be worked out. A likely scenario, however, is that the Senate will pass the House Bill as a whole so that the legislation would not need to return to the House for a second vote.

Posted on Aug 03, 2011

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