Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: ViewSonic Corporation Purchases CORE Flash™ Portfolio License

I would love to but unfortunately $$$ is an issue as well as work.

Do you really think being there will make a difference? We're going to get the same song and dance as always. Not much we can do there except b-tch at the BOD in what a horrible job they have done. I already voted all my stock to get rid of them but that won't matter.

I wish they would prove me wrong and have some great news for us that day but I'm not counting on it. I made the mistake of not selling back at $2 when the Fish or Moore? family got out at $2. Now there are some smart people... That was the sign to sell but I didn't.

TPL has us by the balls no matter what happens. What reason do they have to push our MMP?

I'm afraid someone may show up at the SHM with an aka...

I wish the best for all of us.

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