Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: RE: Aggie....

RE: Aggie....

posted on Sep 15, 2005 08:44AM
nice points for everyone to keep in mind. Hopefully not to be defensive. Aggie, I am one of the fringe players. But I enjoy this ``inner circle``. They appear intelligent and upfront. There are also us ``fringers`` who are off the wall sometimes and sometimes ignored. I have noticed that those that become ``inner circle`` are those who have a history of consistency with regards to good information, level headed rationale. I tend to blue sky too often or speculate in the possibilities too often for the level headers to take me too seriously. But it is all good. This is a great board. Enjoy it. Your input is welcomed
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