Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Off Topic and On Topic

First On Topic, and it is short and non controversial.... Would all who read this please contact the company and ask them to be more responsive to shareholder needs by keeping us better informed?

Most Important Off Topic For all shareholder or not .......

For all Fathers, Fathers to be etc.... Happy Fathers Day.

In my world I am blessed to be a Father of three and a Grandfather of two. In addition I have my earthly Father who passed away a dozen plus years ago who I believe is in Heaven still with me and who I have wished a Happy Fathers Day to and Last but certainly not least i believe All of us have the Grandest Father of all, our Heavenly Father, for without whom none of us would exist.

I realize that this is a topic that some would deny but the ability to deny it says to me that he exist and therefore he IS.


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