Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: 10q

Logic tells me that many are here who bought PTSC based on emotion and a belief that something so "central to every computer / microprocessor" and with so many who "know what they own" advocating the bounty to come, was a reasonable gamble. Many who invested thousands who now hold small hundreds. Many who are too embarrassed to realize such a loss and such a poor series of personal judgement, that at 50 cents will drop this bag of dirt and never look back. I believe this company is just a shell game for the insiders to make a nice living for the fifteen years that this thing has been a story. Fifteen years is half of a career, and I don't really see anything that makes me think that the BOD and lawyers have any interest outside of their own house, car, and lifestyle payments in mind.

Just my opinion as I wait for 50 cents.

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