Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Positive thinking

I share your positive attitude. I also read your thoughts about Cliff being and interim CEO.

"I also believe that it is time for our BoD to take a long hard look at the need for an interim CEO. No offense to Cliff, however, it appears (to me at least) that his sole purpose in being there is to prepare quarterly statements. There is no company to run, no employees to speak of, so PTSC could outsource this for a lot less money than Cliff is being paid."

I have wondered about that since the begining and the longer it goes on the more I wonder if the company is being set up ( or there is a plan ) for a sale or buyout of the company. I mean, why hire a fulltime CEO, especially if such won't be needed. Another perspective would be that Cliff is being paid less than a fulltime CEO and saving the company money.... ( I know some will think he is over paid as it is.)

It just has bugged me that we are without a fulltime CEO and feel there is a reason this has been happening. I open to hearing other thoughts... TIA

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