Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: This appears to be a recurring DL theme..

"..when revenues were realized by TPL, they were paid over to defendant Leckrone, his relatives or his cronies, each the supposed beneficiary of a carveout entitling them to payment before whoever it was that Mr. Leckrone was speaking to."

Skim / Over Expense / Under Allocate / or Just don't perform..rinse and repeat - such that he gets his and others who should be entitled are left with change or nothing (as is the case with Moore - the inventor..go figure). How he, and "his cronies" have evaded so long is BEYOND comprehension and leaves one scrathing their head as to how this is so..

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