Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: I blame DL

PTSC's reality is as disasterous as it seems to be; PTSC shareholders have been pummled and abused; and time has almost run out on us being able to recover.

There is only breakdown, greed, judgment failures and personal deficiencies which are to blame for where we are; and NONE of that is the fault of Shareholders.

In truth, although he's obviously a scheming and cancerous influence, I don't blame DL; because he didn't owe PTSC Shareholders anything the BOD didn't demand of him..

I blame our PTSC leadership. It is THEY who were familiar with the history of DL prior to deciding to partner with him, it is THEY who accepted the responsibilities of their positions, it is THEY who have a duty to protect Shareholders. It is THEY who negotiated and approved those one sided Agreements, THEY who were to monitor MMP events, THEY who foolishly changed our corporate focus to M&A, THEY who dropped the TPL lawsuit, THEY who didn't legally force a 3rd PDS Board Member, and on and on and on.

Our BOD is INFINITELY more responsible than DL in making this company the failing and unwanted investment it's been. If you believe that what has happened to PTSC because of the MMP is centrally at fault due to DL, you must also then aknowledge that it is entirely our BOD who put us in such a uniquely vulnerable position for him to be able to influence us in this way.

What DL did by pulling PTSC into the JV, was to "embrace and smother". DL eliminated any potential competing MMP licensing activity, and effectively gained complete control/authority over the entire MMP; while at the same time finding a passive "partner" to feed his licensing company significant cashflow while allowing a double dipping of any MMP profits.

Our BOD failed us.

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