Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: I find the avoidance and silence at PTSC for the concerns of Shareholders


Who could disagree with Brians post?

Here I go again attempting to get some movement from shareholders......

I bet there at least 100 shareholders willing to put up $100 each ..... I know $100 is alot for some but ..... if we can get $10,000 together (100x100) that should be enough to hire a competent patent attorney who not only can put together a cogent letter to the Board of PTSC but also one to the proper department of the SEC and one to the TPL BK Judge and BK Committee.

I do not want to see PTSC to blow away in the wind as CJ, CF and GA ride off with a smile on their face probably with a nice severnce pkg of what might be left in our accounts and let the L's laugh all the way to the Caymans.

My proposition suggest that if one or all are willing I suggest that Brian, Ron or Laurie collect the checks from us and then as I trust Ron through his contacts to find the proper attorney for our cause. All I need is the address of the one who is willing to take this on and I will have a check in the mail as soon as I see which one is willing to take this on. I do not need to know the attorneys name at this time just that in concert a group of us are willing to do something.

There are few on this Board that I would trust to do this. True there are some other old timers I would trust but ones that I am unaware of I cannot support for this endeavor though I mean them no malice just want to make sure that the ones who get our money are ones we know we can trust and have known so for years.

Come on folks a 100 bucks and maybe we can get some satisfaction instead of sitting on our collective rear ends.

Remember I will be first in line to pay up.

God Bless


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