Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: If and when a shareholder lawsuit is filed


This is how it ends...

Every bad investment (gamble) I had, the signs that the end is near is all the members of the board just bickering, threats of taking action against the BOD's never materialize.

This is classic....

So much wasted time and energy venting at each other, when there is a common enemy and that is the BOD. While I am totally disgusted at that DL has done, as I said before he was not the problem, it was our BOD.

The signs were on the wall, I just, as many investments before, denied the truth because when you put a lot of $$$ into it, you do not want to believe you were had.

The MMP, Patents On Water, they were, they are, but not sitting in a Box and the one that had the ability to promote them, well, GREED reared it's ugly head, but DL could not manipulate the BOD if they did not allow it.

With all the wars going on in the world, the hate of others for no reason, you can bet that all humans would align themselves as one force to fight an alien invader if only for the time necessary to defeat such.

That is all I am asking here... stop the bitching, we need to unite here, raise some cash and file actions against the BOD.

Then you can go back to wasting your time bitching at each other, I will atleast know that we tried.


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