Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: If and when a shareholder lawsuit is filed

Fut, I'm almost done with this conversation. The important element was that longs and newby buyers were frozen out of news for several months while swartz orchestrated his dump. You have no idea how a dump like that occurs, all the parties that need to be involved, including multiple mm's more than likely working with swartz. Everyone has to get there cut especially the mm's.

All the speculation that was causing many to hold the bag was masterful on swartz and pohls part. Use time to your benefit, don't tell the shareholders what is going on and let the gossip or the planted information run wild. Fellow the money fut.

If I remember correctly, the accounting issue was minor but the speculation was huge, so much that many were waiting day in and day out thinking that some big signings needed to be added to the revenue or whatever else would have caused share price to go up. Some were speculating that sp was going to 7 bucks and were crunching numbers to justify it. All the while swartz was dumping.

Everyone made money accept the share holders that held while all those in the know dumped.

If not for one poster on this board who explained on this forum in great detail how many warrants the toxic funder had and the price he paid I may have not sold.

I thank my lucky stars that one poster had the guts to step up and outline the toxic funders activities including going into great detail about the warrant quantities and the prices swartzy paid. All I knew was when a toxic funder is involved at those price points don't get to greedy.

At the time, who would have thought that one of the greatest opportunities and that is what ptsc was considering the cash they had, could have been crushed by a very deceitful, fradulent or incompetant group of insiders. Disclaimer, maybe I'm completely wrong and they are not deceitful, fradulent or incompetent, but brillian businessmen who did the best they could for shareholders, lol.

On a side note, does it not surprise you that pohl sits on pphm's bod to this day and that johnson is involved in financing/accounting and I think also sits on pphm's bod.

If you can honestly think that swartz was not heavily involved in ptsc orchestrating the action to his benefit, well, ignorance is bliss.

I thought I would never come back to this stock or this forum for that matter but I couldn't resist when my friend told me that the mmp trial with htc had started. I needed my ptsc fix and try to capitalize again knowing what scums we are dealing with.

OK, here is my final thought for awhile. The ptsc bod are running scared, we know they are cowards for the virtual annual meeting but maybe, just maybe they have one more play to make that would cause shareholders to calm down. My original thought was that swartz would get involved again and buy out leky and attack the infringers with vengence but probably not, he made his money and is smart enough to say I made a couple hundered million on a 5 mil investment so I'm done.

I would enjoy nothing more than have a class action shareholder lawsuit filed agaist ptsc and having pohl and swartz as defendents with all the rest of them.

all in my opinion

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