Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Meanwhile- Rome is burning, the stock is dying, the patent clock is running out

I appreciate you're,, "Closing the loop",, to show how the attempted buyout was done.

AND how the rewards were made with, "POSITIONS", that would further aid Leckrone in his efforts to EXTRACT the maximum return from the Licensing activities, in LIEU of owning the Patent portfilio outright..

With the subsequent agreements that for all practical purposes ceded complete and sole control to HIM,,He has obtained "DE FACTO" ownership without payment to Patriot.!!

Thereby giving him Carte blanche over the Licensing 'procedure', 'timing', and 'disbursement 'of revenue...IMO..

Of course that is simply,, Stating the obvious...

The 64 dollar question is...,

Why did the BoD, which was in control, "at that time", agree to that???

Subsequent events have provided the answers..

Have a nice tranquil day..

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