Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: I wrote the following letter to PTSC. Anyone think it is a fair request?
If you are familiar with the concept of tithing, would you consider a form of tithing here at PTSC? As members of the Board, you make a substantial salary from the shareholders of PTSC. Buying PTSC shares on the open market, especially now the stock sells for under 5 cents per share, would be a GESTURE of support for the shareholders who pay your salary. 10% of you salary would not hurt you, it would buy a significant amount of shares, and it would buy much goodwill.
Would you at least consider such a move? All members of the Board spend 10% of salary to purchase PTSC shares on the open market.
Or are we all doomed to watch our investment go to NOTHING?
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