Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: TPL BK Pacers


So we continue to be flat on our back with their hands around our throat and the knee in our chest. We can't breath and because we haven't had a good meal in the last couple of years we don't have the strength to fight back. One of our only hopes is the guy standing near by watching may call for some help or help us himself. Oh, here he comes now - but, wait it Lecky and he's lifting our wallet and smiling. Oh this is a very slow and painful way to go and to think of the wonderful dreams we had that could have been...

Now the remaining hope is karma will surface and right this monster wrong.

I know, I'm always looking on the bright side.

DW, Long till the end (I used to say long and strong but now I'm too old and not strong any more).

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