Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Where are we at? Does anyone have a quick update?

I have stayed away for a while as my heart just cant take this BS. I know HTC filed an appeal to federal court. not sure when that date will be and if we are waiting on that for some reason.

I know there is the bankruptcy issue and unsure as to when that next hearing maybe and how that may fair with us. TPL/DL has screwd us all and our BOD appears to be worthless in handling that situation. I keep wondering if they are doing anything or just collecting there money and waiting like the rest of us.

Lastly, I know there have been no signings and I'm guessing little activity that has been made public. I am so disgusted with the entire situation but hoping there is still a glimpse of hope once the smoke starts to clear.

Appreciate any update.

One long, since 2007

Jun 17, 2014 05:51PM
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