Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Outlook 2015

I would not raise the white flag ........ especially if it means that the shyster has any chance to ever re-enter the picture or exert any influence whatsoever over the MMP. That would be complete insanity at this point. We need the Moore plan or something similar (in a hurry), or else I would push for Chapter 7 and liquidation. Get half the MMP into stronger hands completely devoid of Leckrone, Alliacense involvement, and start moving. TPL is essentially insolvent now, post-petition, it appears, with past due post-petition bills --- as amazing as that is -- so we should be moving to push them over the edge. Otherwise, we are all going down together at some point, feebly trying to split up pitiful license revenues once every 6 months, if that. End the charade, cut the lawyers off, and finish the job. If only we did not have the most inept business people in history running the show for us.

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