Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Joint Plan of Reorganization by...

...No. Lecrone Sr. will always try to rip PTSC off and anybody else...

True, but NOW very difficult...

+ with No.3 on PDS board (announcement soon?)

+ PDS/PTSC can terminate Alliacense´s contract (not perform! milestone not reached!)

+ Judge Johnson/U.S. Trustee/Marcie Brown/Attorneys of OCUC/OCUC watchdogs - to TPL

Plus, i see benefits (IMO) NOW as well (i use Mr.Kissinger´s mindset about "realpolitik")

+ stay of licensing is lifted (will we see revenue very soon?)

+ Dominion working as well (Independance from Alliacense!)

+ 2 lists of infringers representing all adressed companies are now known (Rev. Eng. Data!)

+ no violation of M.A.; but Leckrone´s absolute power broken

+ Danger to loose MMP ownership to TPL is eleminated

+ "halted" shareholder communication may start independant

"Ten Years After"(Btw. great Rock Band).....:)

NOW - I expect re-start of business to serve SHAREHOLDERS value.

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