Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: Reverse Engineering?...
Sep 01, 2015 04:45PM
Sep 01, 2015 07:14PM
Sep 01, 2015 08:20PM
I would hope Dominion has access to all the documentation for the ITC and NDoC trials and even before that. The key parts of the reverse engineering are to figure out which integrated circuitry contains the Central Processor, DMA processor and system clock generator, then determine how the clock generator works. Much of this would be in the manufacturer's own specification documents and application notes that they would provide to companies integrating their chips. Evidence provided in court, as well as rebuttals, would give more information of how, and if, infringing logic design has been deployed.
I understand why TPL went for the integrators (Apple, Huawei, .....) and it provided cash to fund further research and claims. Cash which disappeared on follies or mis-use (especiially Ms Neal, her outrageous salary and expenses, education for her daughterr and her home, if I am interpreting documents from the BK correctly). However, maybe it's time for the "Hail Mary" and go directly after ARM itself. The funds are getting smaller and we're all getting older, and the lawyers are getting richer...
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