Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Stuttgart

Early on I spoke with Brian and Gloria. I really trusted Gloria. Niave to the so called Christians like Swartz. The only way they make a killing is to mislead "dumb" investors. I doubt if all their lawyers will help them in their final day of court. People like the Leckrones who lie for a living and seem to have no scruples whatsoever. I am glad my Dad no longer has to endure the trials of this life as he passed away this year, but I wish he didn't have a few hundred thousand shares of ptsc. Kind of like Wolf. While I apologize for my role, I am reminded that the lust for money is what creates people like Swartz, Leckrone, Carlton. They may someday mess with the wrong people and get their judgement here on earth, but certainly they will get their reward in the hereafter.

It certainly has been interesting, exciting at times, and educational. Thanks to all for sharing and sacrificing over the years as part of this ptsc family. tough ending.

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