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Message: Will we see some revelation....? Dan Leckrone

Well, you know more about how the tax system, and/or the legal system is working in the US.

We have here in Germany some 1.000 people named in the Panama Papers that might be now scared.

Since offshore accounts "most likely" are not used for honorable issues, at least common sense tells. Most of them are used to cover criminal, tax deduction or tax evasion issues. It might be of interest to the tax authorities, tax investigators.

Btw. worldwide 400 journalists cooperate. Some as well in the US.

Anything that might put Leckrone, family and friends under pressure under heavy pressure could help, that he (they) are making mistakes.

Well, you as a representative of the legal system (a lawyer) in the US sure know this much better, you deal with it daily. Am i correct? i remember your words about a lawyers:

"either they argue the law, or they argue the facts, or they just argue."

And i agree, legal decisions have nothing to with ethics. Sure you are aware of this as well. Was this thinking enough? You may have the last word.

Be well.....

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