Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: The Day of Judgment Is Nigh

I keep thinking that the main question is, how would these devises work without the 336? Can they over look the patent office's exam and re-exams? What seems minor to me is infact really a major issue concerning the CC. It may not be exactly what we were looking for but it does change the landscape. As long as Chiaabra doesn't minimalize it... 

Does the share price go to "$0.00" if the court rules against us? Or is there liquidation value? European and Japanese patent hope?

I wonder how long after the next court date we will hear something? Same day? Weeks? months?

Ron - is that you under "showtime"?

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