Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: the Last Pacer... The defendants' motions for summary judgment of non-infringement are granted.

...Thanks for your tireless efforts over the years to keep all of us informed of legal proceedings...

i copy that, and say thank you Laurie, BaNosser, Gcduck and and all others who shared infos, sensefull interpregtations and supported the freedom of speech unless it was violating.

Ptsc has had a lot of different judges to state a lot of different Claim Constructions, interresting that "normal" people (HTC case) came to the result that infringement is real.

The people in power of the systems (ITC, NDOC, Appeal etc., Big Money, Industry, Investment companies, Big IT Media) non of them wanted to support the tecnical truth of this invention. But all of them used their power and abilities based on a "they have to loose motivation", it costs too much money if veracity will win.

And money and power is the "ONLY" sense of life to the most beeing incharged, whatever it may cost.

But, without thruthfullness and fearfullness on the PTSC side, criminal mindset on "partners side" no one could expect that different values will rule. So, sad, yes, but it is a mirror of the world. Bye everybody, thanks for listening over the years.


P.S. yes, my english might make some of you smile, if  the sense is understood, all is fine...:)



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