Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Someone is nibbling...

...PTSC has really changed my life...

Michael, mine too, however with the cognition what egocentric human beeing can achieve.

It's not the industry, it's the mindset of top management; it's not the legal system, it's the mindset of judges and lawyers on all levels; it's not PTSC, Swatz, PDS or TPL, it's the mindset of responsible people of theese companies; it's not stock exchange, it's the mindset of the people who have the power to manipulate as traders, naked short traders, network of pushers and bashers....

It's all human, yes, but on individual egocentric personality level - their greed, their arrogance and their phlegma. It's all about their money, their careere, their reputation.. it's there level of beeing developed on values, material AND imaterial

Today i can say, thanks to anyone of them, since i woke up from wearing rose coloured glasses of how the world is "ticking".





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