Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Who's buying and why?

almost a year and a half ago, carlton made a press release. He stated by 2021, all pharmas had to document, blockchain all meds from sourcing to end user. all big pharmas are   probably using microsoft for the cloud. enter ptsc. we gave mr. King money to develop this. and What? no word since the release. Yesterday a former camera company, the once king of Rochester, became a pharma company. Now the timining is suspicious. almost 40 million shares fed out to someone. my view. try buy a hundred thousand shares. sometimes had to change the bid three times. could it be possible we would be of benefit to someone like kodak. remember they got in the pill business yesterday and need all the help and maybe outsourcing technology, somebody with blockchain to expedite their process.  do not know and please don't buy stock on this. Something has to be going on. hard to trade almost 40 million shares on nothing. for all i know we may have left the blockchain business yes i know nothing. just speculating

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