Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: The scam that sells HOPE

I have many shares of this crap, was here years ago as Stockstalker. IMHO, this is just another attempt by the remaining scammers of PTSC to stay alive. Dont think for one minute there are not  other scammers that were pushing shares in mining, oil, with New Discoveries that pumped up the price and fell flat and now switched to, hmmm.. what is hot right now?.

How about merging a tech company with, Pharmaceuticals??

So how did a company of just a few employees that only looked out for their interests that own several patents in IP, specifically chip design that have expired and having lost several court infringement cases, switch to Block Chain. I do not recall any R&D department/staff within PTSC to design and develop such complicated systems?. Then the recent merge with a Pharmaceutical Company. 

I have been scammed by many companies that showed great potential, then merged with others, changed names, gave me hope (pump&dump) and are now, well, just like Hermit Crabs looking for another shell.

The amount of shares and the current price, a few thousand $$$ of hope. I never thought at the time that I bought this crap, we would be trading sub-penny, but here we are.





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