Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: 10Q

brilliance for ptsc my view. unless you consider bk. no reverse split on a reverse merger. What? never heard of that. don't read that 10q. total heartburn. looking at it in my view. If you want to be part of mosaic, you have to do it through ptsc. In other words ptsc common holds the ball. the big payoff is through the preferred. my view. the millions of common shares now have an opportunity to appreciate in price, with the help of some news. maybe a delivery system for covid etc. In other words being part of mosaic would require  ptsc shares, as of today. a reverse merger and dilution would have a negative effect. this put together by you know who. my view. well thought out and ptsc shareholders do have opportunity. again just my view, but thrilled no reverse split

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