Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: New release - 6 Oct 2021


i forgot abt the 'the blink of an eye' Block Chain short lived scam

actually if they were SMART - block chain, might have worked

everyone and their gradmothers are creating a SCAM Crypto Coin everyday to help them pay their monthly living expenses

but nope these guys didnt even know how to take on ' block chain '


so yep they jumped on the Covid Scam and they think a Vertual BS conference is going to put them in forefront 


well for theri sake and MINE - I hope they can turn this scam into a HUGE money maker


99% of Companies in California are 100% SCAMS

In my reseach I now always look to see where the HQ of the company is located - if its CA, i consider that  RED FLAG #1



I have always wonder

WHO is trading 1 share 2 - 3- 4 - 5




its a freacken JOKE




You watch Im going to WILL my Shares to some Charity and they are going to CRUSE my grave daily



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