Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Larry, great to see you are still around - I remember

Larry, great to see you are still around - I remember

posted on Feb 13, 2006 05:43AM
when you brought the first MXP 100 or whatever the next new innovation was at the time to the SHM. Seems like years ago - oh, wait, that was years ago. PTSC is, I believe, in a very strong position and the courts will affirm the validity of our patents, whether in CA or TX. I hope it is TX because, as Ron has pointed out, the docket ``may`` move more quickly there. No guarantees as you know on what a court may do, but I think we win on the coast or here in the heartland. Right doesm`t always win but in this case I believe it will. I firmly believe that Sony is working out a deal or has already licensed and is trying to get a leg up on their Japanese competitors. Let`s not forget that they are competitors and would not lose any sleep if one or the other took one in the shorts. Watch for the 5 to break ranks if they haven`t already. One dominoe falls and the rest will as well. Again, great to see you back. BTW, don`t give up totally on edig yet. :>) Kirk
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