Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: a buddy of mine bought at .16 and sold at .75

a buddy of mine bought at .16 and sold at .75

posted on Mar 13, 2006 12:25PM
He calls me today and asks if he should put $100,000 into this stock. He regrets selling. He admits to have panic`d.

I tell him that we are so undervalued if we are indeed legit. But if a judge ruled that the patents are not enforeceable and there is no substance, we go back to 4 cents overnight. This uncertainty has resulted in this undervaluation - if we are legit. For if we are legit, we will take the high tech by the ear and get reimbursed for our IP. And that could result in 50 cent dividends or even $1 dividends? Unimaginable - if we are legit.

My father is also invested, after buying in at $1 and selling at $7, he bought back under a dime. He too wonders if Pohl is legit. Is this a Swartz scam or it this real. Seems toooo good to be true. So to my buddy, I tell him, he must decide for himself. I know not where we are headed. Thanks to the insight of many here, we see clues.

Wish Brian would post again. If we are legit, I see $24.

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