Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: As a very dear friend told me last Wednesday...

As a very dear friend told me last Wednesday...

posted on Mar 24, 2006 05:12AM
There are diffrent ways to pay royalties.. they don`t neccessarily have to be recurring from product sold, but can be paid upfront.. I can`t imagine the logistical nightmare of trying to decipher what % of which products from possiblly dozens if not hundreds of companies all around the world need to be paid.. Perhaps there is an easier way, and perhaps that is front ended royalty payments.. just a thought, because in reality none of us know..

I would like recurring revs.. but I`ll be perfectly happy with large one time payments from hundreds of manufactures

Good day to all.. and peace out

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