Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Biajj Proxy revisited...

Biajj Proxy revisited...

posted on Apr 05, 2006 10:37PM
In 2005 (Can`t believe another yr. has gone by.) Brian was voting against Dr. Falk and to my surprise, David Pohl. I did not remember that, although I voted my shares on his recommendation.

Though I can`t speak for him...I will most certainly not vote for Gifforn who is trying to extract $1.5 mil. from us and I will again, vote against Dr. Falk as well.

Falk (the son of Helmut) and Gloria Felcyn are seen as 2 people for the Falk trust which is no longer neccesary since most of the estates shares have been sold off. Not sure we need Felcyn anymore either, but I am open to discussing her merits. I suppose Johnson is needed for S/L but D. Pohl, imo is a S/L guy as well.(All 3 tied up with that pharm. co.)See Brian`s posts starting 3/14/05 #388000.

I have been re-reading many of his posts the last few weeks and he really is a brilliant guy, sorely missed. Been learning more from his old posts than I have with the current board postings. (Think BaNoss said it best a little while back)

Hoping for an 8k with Futlike #s as well.Would be great to see div. paid with plenty left in bank. Casio to come...pushing toward SHM.joe

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