Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Could turn out to be the Best Bad news we ever got...

Could turn out to be the Best Bad news we ever got...

posted on Apr 22, 2006 01:36PM
if it lights a fire under TPL and Management to define the long term strategy for themselves and shareholders. It will

be interesting to see if/how they respond.

Very negative tone to the article which does make me wonder... why us and why now? Would be interesting to know if he has written any ``patent troll`` type articles in the past. The tone aside tho...he brings out many of the valid complaints that have been discussed here...for years. And much of his info. and numbers comes straight from the 10q.

Time to look in the mirror and correct what we don`t like seeing. I for one, don`t want to be a one trick pony anymore. Re-curring revenues and doing something with Ignite would change Mr. Maxwells readers, who have probably

put PTSC on their ``watch`` lists, into Buyers going long.joe

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